The Best Medicine For Confronting Trauma: Be Present
Amid extreme stress and a never-ending stream of bad news, we can reduce harm if we remain connected. By Laura van Dernoot LipskyTrauma social worker and educator When our beloved dog…
Amid extreme stress and a never-ending stream of bad news, we can reduce harm if we remain connected. By Laura van Dernoot LipskyTrauma social worker and educator When our beloved dog…
Combining the practice with mindfulness is key. By Dr. Michael MantziosProfessor of Applied and Experimental PsychologyBirmingham City University By Dr. Kyriaki GiannouLecturer in Applied PsychologyDe Montfort University When we think…
Do you get scared if you feel your heart speed up? By Dr. Jennifer MurphyLecturer in PsychologyRoyal Holloway University of London By Dr. Geoff BirdProfessor of Cognitive NeuroscienceUniversity of Oxford By Kiera Louise AdamsPhD Candidate of…
People have a fundamental need to feel like they belong and are liked. Introduction A public speaker waits backstage before her name is called. She visualizes what will happen in…
Anxious people tend to perceive their world in a more threatening way. By Dr. Adam HeenanPhD Candidate in Clinical PsychologyQueen’s University, Ontario Introduction Anxious people tend to perceive their world in a more…
Although emotions like fear and anxiety originate in your brain, they ultimately travel through your body and make your heart race and your stomach twist. Introduction Heart in your throat. Butterflies in your stomach. Bad gut feeling. These are all…
A psychiatrist explains the many ways anxiety can hinder, color or compel creativity. By Dr. Arash JavanbakhtAssociate Professor of PsychiatryWayne State University Introduction In the U.S., anxiety disorders affect about one-third…