Why Mindfulness Matters
Experts explain the benefits of mindfulness–and how you can cultivate it. By Jason MarshFounding editor in chief of Greater Good and the GGSC’s executive director It’s been 30 years since Jon Kabat-Zinn launched…
Experts explain the benefits of mindfulness–and how you can cultivate it. By Jason MarshFounding editor in chief of Greater Good and the GGSC’s executive director It’s been 30 years since Jon Kabat-Zinn launched…
Instead of continuing to beat your head against the procrastination wall, how about trying something new? By Dr. Fuschia SiroisProfessor in social and health psychologyDurham University Introduction Procrastination is unfortunately…
A new memoir explores why it’s OK to be uncertain about your identity at any age. By Leigh FinkeWriter, media producer, and editor Discovering a queer identity in one’s late 20s is…
There are ways to manage exam anxiety so that it doesn’t hugely impact your performance. By Dr. Christine GrovéFulbright Scholar and Adjunct Senior Lecturer Monash University Introduction Do you feel like your mind freezes during exams?…
Some people describe themselves as having Asperger’s disorder, while others call themselves autistic. But is there a difference? By Dr. Andrew CashinProfessor of Autism and Intellectual Disability, Faculty of Health and Human SciencesSouthern Cross University Introduction…
Introduction Self-observation seems pretty basic and even a little mediocre or like some pedestrian psychological technique on the surface. But in my many years of exploring and walking the inner path, I’ve…
New research is exploring the connection between the foods we eat and our feelings of depression, anxiety, and happiness. By Kira M. NewmanManaging editor at UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center…
If you or someone you care about experience an emotional problem it won’t be long before you hear that cognitive behaviour therapy, or CBT, is probably the treatment of choice. By Peter McEvoyProfessor of Clinical PsychologyCurtin…
We’re told to have power naps to keep us safe on the road and improve our alertness if we’ve had insufficient sleep. By Dr. Nicole LovatoAssociate Professor, Adelaide Institute for Sleep Health Flinders University By Dr. Leon LackEmeritus Professor of…
According to a new book, many of the things we learn about how to be successful are wrong. By Kira M. NewmanManaging editor at UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center Introduction…