Happiness: The Science of Subjective Well-Being
Happiness influences the way people behave, as well as their physiological states. Introduction When people describe what they most want out of life, happiness is almost always on the list,…
Happiness influences the way people behave, as well as their physiological states. Introduction When people describe what they most want out of life, happiness is almost always on the list,…
Rogers’ emphasis on kindness and love is proving to be very important to good health. By Dr. Richard GundermanChancellor’s Professor of Medicine, Liberal Arts, and PhilanthropyIndiana University Introduction The release of the Mister Rogers documentary, “Won’t You Be My Neighbor?” calls…
It’s a psychological quirk that when something becomes rarer, people may spot it in more places than ever. By Dr. David LevariPostdoctoral Researcher in PsychologyHarvard University Introduction Why do many…
Intellectual humility includes owning your own biases and the possibility that you’re wrong about your beliefs or worldview. By Dr. Daryl Van TongerenAssociate Professor of PsychologyHope College Introduction Mark Twain apocryphally said, “I’m in favor of progress; it’s change I don’t…
After years of conflicting research and often extreme opinions on iron, it turns out that like anything else that is a benefit in moderation, in excess it is a detriment. By Dr. Richard G.…
People have a fundamental need to feel like they belong and are liked. Introduction A public speaker waits backstage before her name is called. She visualizes what will happen in…
How to structure your workout − resistance then aerobic training or vice versa − depends on your exercise goals. By Dr. Randal ClaytorAssociate Professor of Kinesiology, Nutrition and HealthMiami University Introduction When you enter the gym, which way should you head first?…
Considering interventions for increasing gratitude, developing forgiveness, and becoming more humble. Introduction Positive psychology is a popular movement that began in the late 1990’s. It is the branch of psychology that…
Religions and philosophers have long praised the virtue of patience; now researchers are starting to do so as well. By Kira M. NewmanManaging editor at UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center…
After years reporting on the science of mindfulness, I now realize that the practice of moment-to-moment, nonjudgmental awareness darts in and out of the series. By Jeremy Adam SmithEditor of…