• December 23, 2023
Gaia Theory: Is It Science Yet?

James Lovelock’s “Gaia hypothesis” has challenged conventional thinking about the nature of the earth as an integrated system. By Ian Enting Honorary Senior Associate, Faculty of ScienceThe University of Melbourne Introduction…

  • December 22, 2023
The Long, Colorful History of Psychedelic Exploration

A new history tells of the Romantic rebels who first sampled psychoactive substances. By Dr. Nick HaslamProfessor of PsychologyThe University of Melbourne Introduction There is a delirious moment in the 1988 documentary Cane Toads: An Unnatural History when…

  • December 21, 2023
How Death Doulas Ease the Final Transition

A shift in thinking about death as natural and not traumatic. By Dr. Cynthia R. GreenleeJournalist and Historian Vivette Jeffries-Logan and Omisade Burney-Scott are friends for life—and collaborators in death.…

  • December 20, 2023
Where the Search for Simplicity Leads

Living simply can help us challenge society’s inequities, live in alignment with nature, and build community. By Megan SweasEditor and Director of CommunicationsDornsife College of Letters, Arts and SciencesUniversity of…

  • December 20, 2023
Why Some People Believe They Can Hear the Dead

Research suggests mediums possess a proclivity for hallucinatory experiences. By Dr. Adam J. PowellAssistant Professor (Research), Religion and Medical HumanitiesDurham University By Dr. Peter MoseleySenior Research Fellow, PsychologyNorthumbria University, Newcastle…